Monday, September 30, 2019
Advantages of Technical Education Essay
It is appropriate for me to seize this opportunity to speak a couple of words on the need to expand Technical Education in the country. In Sri Lanka, technical education began in the 1890s with the establishment of the Colombo Technical College, which, as Government Department, functioned to cater to certain requirements of such Government Departments as Public Works, Railways and Irrigation. Technical Education, because of this limited focus, did not expand in the colonial period; it was after independence an attempt was made to start engineering courses. With the establishment of the University of Ceylon, an Engineering Degree course was started. In the sixties, a network of Technical Colleges came into existence but they taught only trade and craft courses. What the country needed was an Institute which could career to the middle level needs in the field of technical knowledge. Such middle level technical know-how was necessary for the country to undertake development; industry was expanding and new development corporations came into being, and such institutions, in addition to engineers, wanted middle level technical expertise. The Expansion Since there was no organization to produce such men, the Government of the day wanted us to examine the possibility of setting up a Technological Institute which is capable of producing middle level technicians in areas relevant to development. Ampara Hardy Institute, German Technical Institute and the HNDE courses have become popular, and they produced employable technicians who found employment. It was in this background that we established the Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) which is now emerging as a centre of excellence in the area of Technological Studies in the country, and its provincial centres have become attractive centres of learning. All students, who pass the Advanced Level examination cannot enter the Universities, and they need to be given opportunities in the field of higher education. This Institute has 18 branches throughout the country which could provide educational opportunities to a large group of students; today this kind of qualification could be easily marketed in a highly competitive world and the middle level technician is as important as a qualified engineer. The Government, based on the Mahinda Chintana strategy on higher education, proposes to develop the SLIATE into a centre of excellence, and we are receiving substantial foreign assistance for the improvement of the Institute. In my view, Sri Lankan higher education institutions need foreign assistance and partnerships to meet the international competition in the Higher Education market. Today the world has become globalized, and in such a context, whatever changes we make, we need to look from the point of view of global considerations. The multiple demands of economic and social development, specially in the context of Sri Lanka, needs diverse tertiary institutions, and the SLIATE, with its network of colleges specializing in technical subjects, can provide the State with middle level technically trained personnel. The very existence of the SLIATE shows that the country needs an education system with increased differentiation; in other words, the development of non-university institutions like higher technological colleges can help meet the growing social demand for higher education. Those students, who fail to find places within the formal University system, need to be provided with opportunities in the technical education sector, and it is through such diversification of higher educational institutions that access to tertiary education can be improved; today nearly 210,000 students sit the Advanced Level examination, out of which nearly 120,000 students qualify to enter the Universities but the annual intake to Universities is restricted to less than 20,000. This is a major problem in the system, and this question has to be immediately addressed. The Government has adopted two strategies; one is to get a sizable section into the Technical education sector, and the rest has been given an opportunity to make use of the Distance Mode. I would like to refer to the expansion of the Open University and the effective use of the external degrees formula. It is through enrollment in non-university institutions that the problems relating to access could be solved. For instance, in East Asia, the average annual growth of University enrollment was 11 percent between 1975 and 1980 and 6 percent between 1980-1988, as compared with 24 and 10 percent for non-University institutions in the same period. Several types of non-University institutions, similar to the SLIATE, have evolved in various countries to expand higher educational opportunities for those who aspire to get into the system. For example, Poly- Technics, Professional and Technical Institutes, Community Colleges and Institutions offering Distance Education. Need for Diversification In the Sri Lankan context, we cannot totally depend on the traditional system of University education. It has served a good purpose, and it is still serving a purpose; in my view, the immediate need is to diversify the tertiary education system with an emphasis on technical and vocational education. In terms of cost, they are low cost programmes and the country can afford such a network of colleges which could provide them with a qualification and training, with which a person can find employment. The emphasis on scholastic education, which began with the establishment of the University College in 1921, needs to be transformed, and the young men and women, who now seek a qualification to get employment, should be encouraged to get a Technical qualification from an Institute like the SLIATE. It is the policy of the Government is to develop the SLIATE into a centre of excellence, it is not a mere Technical College, it is a special kind of Technological Institute, the products of which can make a vital contribution to the process of economic and social development. Technical education, like University education, should become an integral aspect of the development process in the country. Only an Institute of this nature, with varied products of highly skilled labour, which can respond to labour market demands in a country. The reason is that such an Institute can operate multi-disciplinary programmes in various technical fields and the SLIATE is doing exactly that. What needs to be done is to produce all types of skilled labour which a market economy needs; in other words, what the industry needs has to be produced. In Singapore, the employment prospects for graduates of Polytechnics are so good that many talented students seek entry into the vocationally-oriented Polytechnics rather than regular academic programme conducted by the Universities. In my view, the development of the SLIATE is certain to create a similar intellectual culture in the country. Let me make use of this opportunity to speak a couple of words on the role of the teacher. I was a University teacher for more than thirty years. I want all these young men and women to be good teachers, dedicated to the function of teaching. One has to be a dedicated teacher who set an example to the student community; you must be able to command respect among the student community, for which you need an intellectual personality. You need to be an intellectual-cum-teacher and then only you can attract the attention of the student community. Above all, you need to be a man of character. In the final analysis, you are members of the intellectual community of this country, and it is the intellectual community, for that matter in any country, which provides the leadership for the transformation of a society.
Patients With Cerebrovascular Disorders Health And Social Care Essay
Stroke made alterations to the life or societal wellbeing of a individual. Defects may be physical, psychological and even emotional. It could take to failing or reduced strength for physical activities and palsy of one side of the organic structure. Mental alterations include decreased in memory. Depression and alterations in personality could impact a patient who experienced shot. Compare and contrast a cerebrovascular accident with a transient ischaemia onslaught in footings of direction. CVA and TIA both affects the neurologic map, both are caused by life style and diet. They differ in the continuance which the CVA lasts for more than 24 hours while TIA merely lasts for 24 hours. When it comes to medical direction, they both use acetylsalicylic acid and other anticoagulant drugs. Management for CVA and TIA includes the demand of physical therapy after the shot for the betterment of mobility position of the patient. Promote an exercising plan to recover mobility. Promote self-care activities on the unaffected side and promote hygiene. Make certain to keep normal BP to forestall ischaemia. Reposition the patient at least every 2 hours to forestall tissue and tegument dislocation. Since they have job in get downing, they are advised to hold NGT to cut down hazard of aspiration. Management of increased ICP is besides of import to see. Carotid endarterectomy or the remotion of atherosclerotic plaque from the carotid arteria is one surgical direction to forestall CVA and T IA. Identify damage of self-care that may be seen in the post-stroke patient. Damage of self-care that may be seen in post-stroke patient includes stationariness, one-sided palsy, malformations of appendages and musculus failing. The patient can non execute any physical activities and demands aid to any motion. Eye sight is besides affected with reduced ocular perceptual experience and amorphosynthesis. The patient can merely visualise object on one side. Dysphagia consequences due to impaired map of URT. The patient can non eat good and needs NGT in feeding. Urinary incontinency is one job due to impaired motor response and loss of control of urinary sphincter and irregularity possibly a job besides. Psychological jobs like cognitive, behavioural and emotional shortage need support from the nurse. Address is besides affected ( aphasia ) . Post-stroke patients are prone to clamber ulcer because of the force per unit area or the clash on the tegument to organic structure parts. Discuss eligibility standards for t-PA disposal. Identify the type of stroke t-PA may be used for. To be eligible for t-PA disposal, patient should be at least 18 old ages of age or older with a diagnosing of ischaemic shot. The clip of oncoming of shot should be 3 hours or less, with no ictus and a blood force per unit area of ? 185/110 mmHg. The sort of shot should non be minor or quickly deciding shot. Patient should non take Coumadin ( Coumadin ) and should non have Lipo-Hepin during the past 48 hours with elevated partial thrombokinase clip. Laboratory consequences are considered ââ¬â Prothrombin clip should be ? 15 seconds or INR ? 1.7 and Platelet count should be ? 100,000/mmaà ¶Y . Patient should hold no anterior intracranial bleeding, tumor, arteriovenous deformity or aneurism, no major surgical processs done within 14 yearss, no shot, serious caput hurt or intracranial hurt within 3 months, no GI or urinary hemorrhage within 21 yearss. T-PA is used for patients who are diagnosed with shot and bosom onslaught. Given a scenario, use the nursing procedure to develop a program of attention for a patient with a intellectual aneurism. A intellectual aneurism patient may see altered degree of consciousness. With this status, the nurse should be able to keep optimum province of consciousness with GCSE?13 mental watchfulness. The nurse should measure for marks of altered degree of consciousness and critical marks particularly respiratory position. Make certain to supply patient ââ¬Ës safety by maintaining the side rails up at all times, bed in low place and working call visible radiation within the range. Reorientate the patient to environment and avoid confusion/disorientation. Protect the patient from possible hurt like ictus activity, decreased corneal physiological reaction, decreased wink, and decreased joke physiological reaction. Maintain airway patency for hypoxia can do increased intellectual blood flow and intracranial force per unit area. Discuss the differences in clinical manifestations between a haemorrhagic shot and an ischaemic shot. The clinical manifestations of haemorrhagic shot include neurological shortage, terrible concern, tinnitus, giddiness and hemiparesis. Motor, sensory, cranial nervus, cognitive maps may besides be a job. Other manifestations include purging, alteration in degree of consciousness and ictus. Nuchal rigidness may be experienced. Besides, ocular perturbations like ocular loss, double vision and ptosis may happen. In ischaemic shot, the clinical manifestations are numbness ( paraesthesia ) , failing ( paresis ) , loss of motor ability on one side of the organic structure. Other manifestations include trouble in get downing ( dysphagia ) , aphasia, ocular troubles, loss of half of ocular field ( hemiapnosia ) , dual vision and photophobia. Besides include altered cognitive abilities, psychological affect and self-care shortage. Discuss the usage of thrombolytic therapy in the patient with an ischaemic shot. Include eligibility standards. Thrombolytic therapy is a intervention used for stroke patient. The most common drug is the tissue plasminogen activator ( t-PA ) . This helps dissolves the blood coagulum in ischaemic shot. It is normally administered through IV and should be given within 3 hours period after the first symptoms begin. Before giving this thrombolytic, medical history are provided every bit good as physical test and research lab test. This thrombolytic should non be given to patients with intracranial bleeding because it is unsafe and dangerous. Pay attending to BP, the medicine taken prior to giving thrombolytic ( Coumadin ) and the consequence of research lab particularly the thrombocyte count. There are besides some complications after administrating thrombolytic such as intracranial hemorrhage, which is really common. The patient should be monitored closely for any complications at the beginning of the process and right after the process was done. Discuss possible complications that may develop as a consequence of a haemorrhagic shot. Potential complications of haemorrhagic shot include intellectual hypoxia and decreased blood flow, vasospasm, increased intracranial force per unit area and high blood pressure. Lack of oxygenated blood in the encephalon may do intellectual hypoxia. Make certain to supply the necessary O and keeping haemoglobin and haematocrit within normal degree. Abnormal blood force per unit area consequences to alter in intellectual blood flow. Make certain to administrate IV fluids to cut down viscousness of blood which consequences to normal blood flow. Another complication which is caused by an increased inflow of the Ca into the cell is intellectual vasospasm. It can be monitored by the usage of transcranial Doppler echography ( TCD ) . Calcium channel blocker like nimodipine is a medicine intervention for patient with vasospasm. An increased in intracranial force per unit area normally occur after a shot. It is of import to supervise the hydration position of the patient when utilizing mann itol medicine to cut down ICP. Besides, blood force per unit area is besides of import to measure. Hypertension is monitored and should be prevented. Web Assignment Research an article refering to the place attention facet of a patient recovering from a shot. Sum up your findings. Family support is important to stroke recovery by Kathy Boncher Last February 2008, Steve had a shot. The whole household was at that place for him. They ne'er leave him and maintain on back uping until his recovery period. While he was holding his recovery at place, everything was changed. He can non make any longer what he used to make before he had his shot. He was really dependent on his married woman who takes attention of him for his mundane demands particularly when bathing, toileting, dressing, eating and even reassigning to his wheelchair. Because of his shot, he experienced failing on the whole portion of his left side of the organic structure and his arm was truly non working. This was truly dejecting on his portion as he used to be the 1 who do all the things around the house particularly in edifice, planing and keeping their house. He used to be a edifice contractor for 38 old ages and a doodly-squat of all trades. In short, he was a really adept individual. But, despite of his status, he continue to be strong and unrecorded in a nor mal life as he used to be even though he can non work good at place even for himself. What keeps him strong was because of his household who was ever at that place and maintain on back uping him with his status. There he had his brothers assisting his married woman in all the man-work around the house. They even provided accessible country for disability and installed a wheelchair incline. He can even still travel out and pass clip to make ridicule stuff every afternoon with his other brother. So every bit serves as a free clip of his married woman from being his health professional 24/7. This means so much to him and was really grateful to hold these fantastic people beside him throughout his status. The household reassures that everybody will be all right and for him to be better and good. And, this gives him peace of head. This article merely showed us that the support of the household is really of import as a intervention in retrieving for shot patient. Some are fighting entirely for recovery without the aid of any household members. And that caused a hold in recovery of a shot patient. Family member does n't hold to be biologically related. It could be the people around us, friends, church and societal web. Everyone could give support. And, most significantly, the shot patient should hold bravery and have strong religions within him that he will be recovered and be back to his normal life.
Psychology for Law Enforcement Essay
1. Describe the standard policy regarding confidentiality for a police psychologist. Be sure to address handling records, being a counselor versus evaluator, and your role during critical incident debriefing. Different legal foundations have set standards regarding the standard of confidentiality for every police psychologist. Psychological services for the police have considerably grown providing a number of clinical and occupational functions. They include operational support services, training, research and counseling services. However, handling confidentiality matters have grown recently and an evaluation between counseling roles and evaluation abilities. By and large, the police psychologist is an evaluator and therefore at liberty in making independent and fair assessments. He/should should prove high levels of confidentiality in records concerning work fitness. This is to imply that a police psychologist should be professionally sound in matters of handling records. Any disclosure of the records pertaining physical fitness can only be done during times of necessity. The evaluation process should avoid discrimination or unfair justice to the assessed. Like an evaluator, he should posit high morals concerning fair assessment of the fitness to work by the police officers. This is presumed important because the assessment regarding work fitness is what shows whether an officer can perform or not. They should maintain highest caution in protecting the confidential information that is stored in various media forms and the regulation for such disclosures should be within the limits of the law. Above been record keepers, police psychologists should obtain adequate permission before recording any images or voices from individuals with whom they are giving services. The confidential information that is obtained from the people is only useful for professional or scientific purposes allied to the concerned persons. Police psychologists are also counselors. They should offer counseling services to client who has various social problems such as family matters, unfitness for work and other issues. Like a counselor however, he is supposed to ensure confidentiality in all matters under concern for a particular person under the counseling service. Conceptually, a police psychologist should have the professionalism for addressing critical incident debriefing. This should involve encounters that relate to urgent matters. In the debriefing process, he should be professionally tactful to avoid arousing discomfort, instability of the mind, stress, shock and social inadequacies to the person he is offering the service. Critical incidence debriefing should therefore be structured in a manner that is comfortable to the client and which should not destabilize the state of the clientââ¬â¢s mental stability. 2. What elements in an assessment are required to ensure reliability in a pre-employment screening? How do these factors predict performance? Evaluations by psychologists for pre-employment test for physical fitness have grown to be subject of extreme importance. This has been a concern that arises from police violations and misconduct from the civil rights. The pre-employment evaluations have been described as a tool for evaluating a police physical fitness in his/her duty. However, this growing demand for pre-employment and comprehensive psychological evaluation has stood in conflict with values about disability and privacy accommodating issues. Pre-employment evaluation has been argued as a cornerstone factor towards guiding the safety of the public. This is because only officers who are physically fit for the profession are the one offered with employment at the expense of those who show no substantial qualifications into their physical fitness. Physical fitness for the police officers is a growing requirement from state of the modern police departments which are allied to various law and order provision that does not hesitate physically fit and able professionals. Elsewhere, since the selection, hiring and training process of the police officers is a highly costing exercise, it would rationally be uneconomical to incorporate officers who have no substantial qualification in to the profession. à à When these officers have consecutive personal crisis that come along their way such as family and marital problems, depression and stress, divorce, memory lapses and accidents, their physical insufficiencies may have negative influences in their functionalities. They are paused with various risks and stress factors that often keep them astray from their work. Officerââ¬â¢s physical fitness remains a mandatory factor in their service delivery. However, impaired officers have showed higher chances of identification while at demanding situations, have high probabilities of removal from their working positions and have more referrals for treatments. However, this evaluation should not violate the individualââ¬â¢s psychological requirement and perhaps violating their privacy. Therefore, some physical complications should be addressed in specific organizational development and management techniques. Various police agencies use contract and in-house services in conducting this fitness evaluation. In the process, they involve in psychology counseling in evaluating possible psychological stigma that may be held by the evaluation. It is therefore of great substance for evaluation of physical fitness in response to fitness for work. 3.à Ethical issues in fitness for duty evaluation. The psychological test for fitness of work in the police department is a compliment of various ethical issues. At one level, every information whether collected through tapes or images should be done at the request of the individual in service. No forced sourcing of information for record purposes should be from forced attribute of the individual in the evaluation. Either, every information obtained from the evaluation process should be used solely for research work in an adequate area of concern or coined towards an issue related to the police professionalism. The collected information should not be for personal use by the evaluator. Either, it demands professionalism that personal information retrieved in the evaluation process of fitness for duty should be treated with a lot of confidentiality. No personal information should be retrieved, disclosed or magnified for any public use unless for the interest of the sake of professional good which includes the individual him/herself. (h ttp:// Inquiry for the evaluation should be guided by fundamental limitations of the requirement of the disclosures of the confidential information. The counselor/investigator should not be inquisitive of confidential information which is of no substance to the profession. The psychologist should ensure the most minimal levels of intrusion into privacy as possible. Oral and written reports should only include the information that is relative for the need for which the inquiry was constituted. In any external consultation with his/her colleagues the psychologist should ensure that the no disclosure of confidential information with which it can easily lead to client disclosure unless with a prior authority of this client. The psychologist should take all the reasonable steps in minimizing and correcting misrepresentation or misuse of the professionalism. He/she should avoid any unfair discrimination that comes up against the respondents. He should not act in a manner of denying the respondent possible chance of promotion to the SWAT team. His/her mode of conduct of the evaluation should not have conflicted with the law and regulations. His evaluation process should be guided by the requirements of law and professionalism. 4. Lopezââ¬â¢s process of counseling bears various ethical concerns. It should concur with the provision of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. At one level, homosexuality should be understood as a social matter and not surgical. It is a situation which affects the social and psychological attitudes of Lopez. The feeling of homosexuality may mean aspects of depression and tress which is complimentary psychological attributes associated which her sexual situation. Generally, this psychological depression may be a factor towards the rationale for been physically unfit for the work. However since homosexuality is among the many senses of disability, the provisions of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission would require that she still continue in her capacity. One important factor/attribute that she should embrace is personal acceptance of her situation. Since this is not a surgical problem but social issue, unfitness for job would only occur due to the levels of depression and low self-esteem which comes as a result of low self evaluation. Personal acceptance would give her strength and therefore restore her fitness for work.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Book Report on `A Young Womanââ¬â¢s Mathematical Journey In Code
They say some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. In case of Sarah, did she achieve greatness? The answer to this question is both yes and no! How she can achieve greatness, where was the time for it?She was just sixteen, a tender age not even good enough to fall in love, and yet the word ââ¬Ëgreatââ¬â¢ was firmly implanted on her. Was greatness thrust upon her? The answer to this question is firm ââ¬ËNo!ââ¬â¢Ã The part of the statement that befits her is that she is born great. Her illustrious mathematical journey had arrived at the sterling landmark at that young age.This work is both knowledge and enjoyment. The brilliance of the students comes to the fore at the Undergraduate and University levels. That is the time when the Professors spot the intelligent, brilliant and the brilliant among the brilliant students. But Sarahââ¬â¢s extraordinary brilliance must have been spotted when she was in the kindergarten. This is so, because, her father was a renowned Professor of Mathematics.Academic studies do matter for students like Sarah, but such genius children invariably study in the College of Self-Education, where their mind is their Principal. Their initiative, their Professors! Their hard work, their tutors! They are ambitious and industrious. They decide upon a project; start, act and finish.ââ¬Å"The eldest among five children, Flannery went to high school at Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal in Blarney, where she gave a science fair presentation on cryptography. In researching RSA encryption, she created her own encryption algorithm, which earned her an Esat Young Scientist Exhibition and later an Intel Fellows Achievement Award.She went to college at the University of Cambridge, graduating in 2003 with a degree in computer engineering. Now she works for American video game developer Electronic Arts.â⬠(Planetâ⬠¦)In brief, what the book is aboutâ⬠¦.This book is the mathematicianââ¬â¢s deli ght. How the serious subject like mathematics, can be interspersed with humor. Her introduction to the book itself fascinates and kindles curiosity. By reading it, you realize why she attained instant fame which she richly deserves.In introduction she gives details about public-key cryptography, the RSA algorithm and the alternate algorithm that she created. The lucid style and control on the language required to deal with mathematical explanations is the strong point of the book.Genius has nothing to do with the age. Therefore, forget for a while that a teenager is the author of the book, yet you can not forget that lovely and inspiring face of the author in the cover page of the book! Unless known in advance, you will find it difficult to believe that she is the owner of such a brilliant brain. You probably think that this book is the creation of an experienced Professor, well researched from a long list of bibliography.The book begins in an orthodox style. Instead of saying somet hing about the author straightaway, the book gives description with pages of family background. That again is about mathematics, because her father was the Professor of mathematics.à A long section, titled, ââ¬Å"Early Challengesâ⬠follows. This is where the challenges for the readers are thrown. They are recollections of her past.The mention of about a dozen puzzles is made. She owned them from her father, told for the benefit of Sarah and her brothers. David Flannery, their father was the mentor of mathematics as well. The description for each puzzle is given along with an invitation for the reader to try to solve the same, before trying to locate the solution provided in the book elsewhere. Your chances of success are not very bright. A black-board in the dining room!That is bound to happen when you have four sons and a daughter, all interested in the serious study of mathematics. On the blackboard, new puzzle was recorded each day for them to work on. Like, ââ¬Å"Given a five-liter jar and a three-liter jar and an unlimited supply of water, how do you measure out four liters exactly?â⬠Some got into more difficult concepts: ââ¬Å"How might you determine the average earnings of a group of people in a room (at a class reunion, perhaps) without any individual's divulging his or her salary?â⬠the second puzzle has the latent message, which forms part of the theme all through the book.That is to try getting information and hiding information. With such intelligent invitations the readers become part of the proceedings in the book. It is no effort to score over the reader but to win the reader in a positive style. It is to encourage him, and no to affront one with the exhibition of intelligence. Those who think that this is a book on the subject of mathematics which is bound to have the serious start will have peasant surprise to be greeted with mind-boggling puzzles.Fame and Publicity and thereafterâ⬠¦.She received instant fame, became a celebrity in mathematics overnight, but she was humble about her achievements. Here she speaks beyond her age refuses to expand like the balloon with inflated ego. ââ¬Å"I have no doubt that I am not a genius,â⬠she declares.ââ¬Å"I am not being falsely modest. Through my fatherââ¬â¢s classes I have seen examples of true genius and I know I do not possess that ââ¬Ëinsightââ¬â¢ that distinguishes geniuses from those regarded as merely intelligent.â⬠(p. 243). Those who read the book were sure about her impending success in the world of mathematics. She was the worthy mathematics daughter of a worthy mathematics Professor.Next to puzzlesâ⬠¦.She attempts the most original aspect of the subject of mathematics problems that take her to the position and fame sky-rocketing. Overnight she is a world-figure as for mathematics. The subject matter for any national level competition has got to be the unique one. She was to enter the Esat Irish Young Scientistââ¬â¢s Co mpettion-1998.The project on cryptography was done by her at the suggestion and instance of her father. Her project will throw light on various cryptographic techniques, providing the account of the famous RSA algorithm. The mention and discussion of all these things is initiated at page 40 of the book, she discuses learning the relevant mathematics and the programming involved.Then her father takes over the mathematical literature for the next 110 pages, and you catch up with Sarah again in page number 150.These pages contain mathematical exposition authored by David Flannery. They provide the basics of cryptography, and to understand it, is not the easiest of the propositions. He introduces thoroughly RSA algorithms at this stage.When Sarah takes over at page number 150, she is at the threshold of the fame that is about to engulf her young personality. She gets tremendous response for her project that fetches her several prizes, and she is inspired to prepare for another ambitious and prestigious entry ââ¬âthe Rafe Jones at Brown University.She is on the second step of the ladder of success. She undergoes a week-long internship at a Dublin cryptography company, and notices several techniques. Thereafter, she devises an alternative algorithm to the RSA and that is the flagship issue of her new project.The results achieved by her are astounding. Her method is simple matrix multiplication instead of the relatively cumbersome modular exponentiation of the RSA. Her algorithm runs twenty times faster. It is christened by her as the Cayley Purser algorithm, the 19th century British mathematician Arthur Cayley as also Michael Purser, the mathematician whose ideas caught her imagination during her internship.She runs in to the thick of the issues now-she proves how the new algorithm is secure from certain kinds of attacks and it becomes the mathematical odyssey for her, wherein she is required to explore and master the cobweb of not too familiar mathematics. Such a situation is the testing time for any student of mathematics.It was probing the new waters for the first time with lots of hopes of positive results, but also with the fear of disappointment, should anything go wrong, at the most unsuspected moment. Mathematics is such a subject where there is no scope for errors. You have got to be accurate, as otherwise the whole edifice built by you step by step will collapse.ââ¬Å"All of this was an unusual experience for me,â⬠she writes, ââ¬Å"but I had a great feeling of excitement. I think it was because I was working on something that no one had worked on before. I worked constantly for whole days on end, and it was exhilaratingâ⬠(p. 208).To get the worthy solution, you need to have a strong problem. That was the situation Sarah, luckily found she in. The thesis problem provided lots of enthusiasm to her to go ahead. With the finalization of the thesis problem, she considered her to be lucky.The problem was of her creation a nd she was bent upon to own the responsibility to solve it herself. She began to put extra efforts and worked desperately to find the authentic solution.She reaped the dividends for her sincere efforts, she was able to prove that Cayley Purser algorithm had strong defenses and it can withstand successfully attack from a large family. She provides the detailed description to judge her new project, both algorithm and proof, in the 1999 Irish Young Scientist competition.An inventive mind is always excited about any new achievement-you decide on a problem for you and then solve it successfully. Same was the case with Sarah.When you smell success, when you have positive indications that you are nearing solution, the excitement is all the more. At that stage Sarah burnt the midnight oil to continue her sincere efforts. Success had to kneel before her; she showed the strong defense for the Cayley-Purser algorithm in the face of multi-pronged family attacks. She gives the detailed account, step by step, how her project needs to be judged, and the related explanation for the algorithm, with unassailable proofs.In the 1999 Irish Young Scientists Competition., she quotes from her journal, ââ¬Å"On one occasion,â⬠she writes, ââ¬Å"I looked out of our little huddle and it felt really strangeââ¬âour conversation was so very intense that just to look around was like coming up for airâ⬠(p. 222). The finest moment of her judging was, she writes: ââ¬Å"Before they left, [the judge] asked me the simplest question of all, and I could see he was wondering whether or not I would be able to answer it.The answer was the fast exponentiation algorithm, and I must have smiled before I replied, because I knew it was the perfect end to the perfect session. I had been able to defend my project at all levels. The last question was a check to see if I knew the fundamentals. They smiled at each other on my final answer, which Iââ¬â¢ll never forget.â⬠(p. 223).It was the perfect culmination. The excitement was about how gracefully Sarah walked up to the stage to accept the title of Irish Young Scientist of the Year. It was one of the extraordinary moments of her life. The charm of youth was on her side.And the algorithm she talked held excellent possibility of rich dividends. The inquisitive media stood alerted and the unexpected bonus arrived, when London Times front-paged an article on her mathematical exploits. Overnight she entered the portals of stardom in mathematics. It did not take long time to transform her academic achievements towards the commercial gain.The would-be cryptograph entrepreneurs were seeking her services. She received many offers to give lectures in Singapore. Mention of her name was made in the official magazine of the Spice Gils. She also received a request from Profile Books in London to write up the experiences and all that prompted to advance on the tough path of mathematics.The budding young mathematicianââ¬â¢s book had the firs print order of 35,000 copies, the marketing budget of $ 65,000 and an eight-city author-tour.About the contents of the book, Sarah oftenà sweetly apologizes for going deep into number theory; before explaining matrices, she writes, ââ¬Å"I promise that from then on there will be no more explicit mathematics, only light explanations of mathematical ideas.â⬠The hard-core mathematics in the book is restricted to two chapters. For those who wish to learn more, there are appendices. Her main project is about how the most famous current encoding system works, and in the meantime, she had invented one of her own. She takes extensive pains to explain both the systems and goes deep into the number theory along the route.With the winning of the prize, fame and the monetary gains consequential to the fame arrived like an avalanche. Pepsi wanted her to concede that the mathematics brain and that of the family was due to lavish consumption of Pepsi, but the offer of c ontract was promptly turned down. A good mathematical calculation viewed from the humanitarian angle; they were aware perhaps of the harmful effects of such addictive drinks on the health of the younger generation!ââ¬Å"I have no doubt that I am not a genius,â⬠said the prize winner of the 1999 European Contest for Young Scientists. Bu who would believe her and at the same time remain without deeply appreciating her modesty! She was the media sensation within days after getting the prestigious award. She was about to be hailed as an instant celebrity, for the public key to cryptography, the method used to transmit secure data over the Internet, but destiny played its part.When everyone in the knowledgeable circles thought that her encryption algorithm is worth the millions, a security hole was discovered. Nevertheless she had done a great job. Now she met her father on equal terms, a mathematician talking to another senor mathematician.There is an interesting interaction betwe en the father-daughter mathematical duos. To be taught lessons from her father in the drawing room of the house was one thing. To be part of his lecture fraternity, and listen to his mathematical revelations in an organized way sitting as one among the audience was altogether a different experience. The previous day, he had a serious, purposeful conversation with Sarah. Her father said, ââ¬Å"Now that you have decided to do transition year, I must do some math with you.â⬠He continued, ââ¬Å"I'd like to show you how some beautiful but reasonably elementary mathematics is applied, stuff that you wouldn't ordinarily come across in school.â⬠She could not understand the immediate intentions of her father. She thought he was inviting her to the kitchen blackboard, as she was aware of his enthusiastic ways; how he got inspired at the most unsuspected moment and wished to unleash his mathematical knowledge on her, whether she was mentally prepared à for it or not.Perhaps, at that moment she was not ready to receive the tough lessons of mathematics. She replied, ââ¬Å"Dad, whatever you do, do something structured!â⬠That set him thinking, as to the proper, most effective and appropriate way to teach and take her to the world of mathematics. He remembered his past. The debt he owed to the one who taught him mathematics. How the torch of mathematical knowledge was passed on to his hand.It now depended, what he would do, with what his teacher did for him, and from where he left.à He strongly felt that he must transfer the knowledge to some one else who richly deserved it. Who else could be that individual except his own daughter, in whom he must have noticed the latent mathematical genius?He told his daughter, ââ¬Å"Of course, only if you are genuinely interested-I wouldn't force it on you.â⬠She was genuinely interested. The evening lecture by her father proved to be the foundation stone for the grand mathematical edifice that she was going to build.Sarah was now part of the class of serious students studying mathematics. The evening classes from seven ten, with the student strength of 8, continued for twenty five nights. The daughter was the youngest student, just 15 years and six months, but a couple of other students too were young.There were adults who came from various backgrounds. Computer scientists, a secondary school mathematics teacher, a chemistry graduate working for a medical laboratory. They were the ones who loved mathematics, and who regretted their inaction in not pursuing the mathematics study, when young. It was a class that had its own specialties.The cause of study was great, not the career out of the study. No credits were given. It was not part of any major. No home work or study was demanded. It was David Flanneryââ¬â¢s way of ââ¬Å"getting back into mathâ⬠with no holds barred approach. You wee encouraged to come up with your most silly questions. He loved and appreciated those who mad e fools of themselves, as according to him, only those will learn and had the chance of success.These assurances, coming from a reputed Professor, were greatly appreciated by the students. They looked forward to the classes with expectancy and with hope that they will be exposed to something interesting about the mathematics in the next session.Sarah though had peculiar problem that the teacher was her father, she was able to mentally sort out the issue. Her dedication and the serious approach when she meant study, paved the way or her progress.From the teacherââ¬â¢s perspective, what one teaches is important. But how one teaches, what one teaches is more important. Towards this end David Flannery filled the bill admirably. He was the one who enjoyed his teachings and encouraged his students to learn in style.No time-bound hard tasks were expected from the students. Each one was encouraged to estimate oneââ¬â¢s level of understanding, and progress accordingly. He was able to m aintain an atmosphere of affection at home and in his classes.The brain teasing puzzles enticed the students to know more and more, and the hours spent by the students in the association of David Flannery, proved highly fructifying. His company kindled their curiosity further. They eagerly awaited his next class and firmly believed that something more interesting would be in store for them.The class was not all fun as was made out initially by David Flannel. That was his style of making the students interested in the subject. Soon, the intensive part of his chartered syllabus for the students began and his forays were in theà à à elementary number theory, with cryptography as the final destination.He would the take the students entirely to different horizons of mathematics, interesting sights that were rich in content, may not be of use for the immediate application.When David Flannery was a student, the application of the number theory were so few (industrial and internet re volutions had not taken off), and yet the number theory was of prime importance to the mathematicians, its study was considered pure. By the end of 1970s, the situation had drastically changed.The various technicalities involved in the message system and their readings gave a shot in the arm for cryptography. It became a much sought after subject and millions of dollars were invested into the development of this subject. The demand for expertise in this area became tremendous.The book is a treat to read for the simple reason that it is a great human story as well, a success story, a management and pubic relation story etc. The way she prepared for the competitions would set the standard for any youngster who wishes to be an achiever.What a careful and great teacher her father was! The concepts of teaching itself have undergone metamorphic changes, and mathematics is no exception. The style of teaching has become more student-friendly.As for Sarah, her mathematician father was her gr eat career-asset. But her mother also continuously encouraged her by telling interesting anecdotes about the subject. ââ¬ËMathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics.ââ¬â¢ Such sweet nothings said about the subject during formative years of a young girl had great positive impact on her.Her Mom said Mathematics and the number theory was like the Sleeping Beauty Fairly Tale, and Sarah Flannery writes, ââ¬Å"I thought about those who had toiled away through the centuries at unraveling the mysteries of this subject, motivated by nothing more than a passionate desire to know. They could have hardly dreamt of the applications that some of their results would one day find.I wondered what it was they had discovered, and what they would think if they could see how some of these discoveries are now being used. I was eager to learn the subject and surmise for myself whether they would be surprised or not.â⬠But everything about the number t heory is not all that sweet. It is a deceptive theory. When you think that you are on the verge of success, you are suddenly knocked out by a lethal punch. The simple questions that you will ask your Professor may look so simple to you. The same questions were asked by many brilliant students in the past. The answers to such questions have not been found until this day, and the most intelligent ones are raking their brains to find out the solutions.But the toughest obstacle lay in waiting for Sarah. The sharp attacks on the Cayley-Purser algorithm arrived with Michael Purse alerts, making her mathematical advancement difficult. Sarah was on the defensive; she made efforts to repair the algorithm, but could not succeed. She stated that it is not salvageable as a workable encryption system.The theoretical interest stood in her favor through this testing time. She included a postscript explanation on the successful attack. It brought her further success when she was conferred the title of European Young Scientist of the Year for 1999. They say, ââ¬Å"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!â⬠It is very easy to say that Sarah climbed the stage to receive the award. But behind this glorious moment in the life of this sports-loving teenager from Blarney in Country Cork, Ireland, lay the extraordinary talent and matching efforts of relentless research and discoveries in Internet cryptography.At the age of sixteen to get the international recognition and to be hailed as ââ¬Å"brilliantâ⬠by the London Times, is no ordinary achievement. Newspapers and periodicals hailed it as ââ¬Å"a wonderfully moving story about the thrill of the mathematical chaseâ⬠(Nature) and ââ¬Å"a paean to intellectual adventureâ⬠(Times Educational Supplement).The dinner-time conversation with her father led her to the hall of fame. Her burning curiosity, the inner joy of persistence paid off handsomely. What is the meaning of the wise saying, ââ¬Å"Have a wil l to grow and grow you will!â⬠ââ¬âask Sarah! David Flannery lectures on mathematics at Irelandââ¬â¢s Cork Institute of Technology. Sarah Flannery is now a student at Cambridge University.Some shortcomings of the bookâ⬠¦.To say that it is the combination of a set of two books, would not be a far-fetched criticism on the book. Two narrative segments of the book, at the beginning and the end, do not serve the actual cause for which the book stands for. The 150 pages, though there is no doubting the merit of the contents, it is right thing at the wrong place. It makes the tough and prolonged reading, and causes obstruction in understanding the life of Sarah in a systematic, chronological order.The book goes on an aim-less wandering, and it defeats the structure of the book. But those who do not like mathematics intensely, for those who are not the serious students of the subject, these 150 pages are a good read! However, this can not be considered as the serious lapse of the book, but the professional critics of this literature, would not like to miss this à point, as a matter of their duty.The mathematical exposition part of it is flawless in contents and style. The beginning holds the interest of the common reader as well. The elementary examination of the prime numbers is detailed. The idea of primality about Mersenne primes, the Sieve of Eratosthenes and also primalaity testing are the important topics.Then is the chapter on Modular arithmetic, Fermatââ¬â¢s Little Theorem, and pseudo primes. For complete understanding of the RSA algorithm, the last two of these three mathematical chapters are necessary. But they can be avoided by those who are desirous of the elementary feel for public-key cryptography.The author has no problem with the English language, the exposition and style of writing is lucid. In fine, Sarah has given a very interesting book. The theme of the book and the authorââ¬â¢s attitude towards the theme of mathematics, bot h evoke and sustain curiosity. The book deserves an outstanding position not only for the awards that it brought to Sarah, but also for the real contributionà it made to the cause of mathematics, for all time to come.There is something uniqueness about the book. Some more remarkable books should be expected from Sarahââ¬â¢s pen. The author has dealt with the topic in an excellent manner and the contents of the book gain stature, without losing its ground and reality. The book is the creation of the child, with fatherââ¬â¢s blessings. What more is required for the child and what does a father expect from the child? Both see the fulfillment of their respective mathematical missions through this book.When a child gives the account of her experiences that ultimately led her to great heights of success, the readerââ¬â¢s interest is all the more, for the simple reason that every parent wishes to visualize andà à aspires for the success of their children.From the point of view of human psychology and management principles that lead to success, this book is the torchbearer. Her thoughts are playful, yet never missing the mathematical purpose of the book.The number of high school students who enjoy mathematics is not very high and many do the subject, as they have to do as it is the unavoidable subject up to a certain level. But an introduction and interaction with this book should change their perspective.Many may not be lucky enough get a mathematics genius Professor-father. In the case of Sarah, her pastime of solving the mathematical puzzles with her father paid her rich dividends. It started as a game and slowly turned into a thrill of the mathematical chase. Nothing succeeds like success and one good thing in her life, led to the other.A great lesson for the psychologists and sociologists who study the parental impact on the life and future of children! But for the encouragement and influence of her mathematician father, Sarah would have been yet another university student, pursuing the syllabus-oriented degrees for a routine career.Conclusion:God made the natural numbers, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 and what all ââ¬Ëcomplicationsââ¬â¢ the human being has created under the subject-banner mathematics! But for becoming the mathematician, Sarah would have been a storyteller.The art comes naturally to her. She has dealt with a highly intellectual subject, without any pretensions, without the sense of overbearing. At times, the writing takes the serious turn, but that is what the subject matter is. Her childlike descriptions maintain the essential dignity. If she tries her hand at other subjects of writing, we may be in for surprises.Thatââ¬â¢s what her imagination, wit and charm throughout the book reveal. ââ¬Å"In Codeâ⬠, has the makings of a very good novel and her pen holds out great promises for even better works. It is a twice-blessed book. Primarily it is a book on mathematics, and more importantly it is an int eresting book of human endeavor, the human spirit, the book on positive qualities like grit and determination. Few children are lucky to have such great upbringing.The black board in the kitchen truly speaks about the studious family. She and her four brothers made it the perfect class at home, and mostly issues related to mathematics were discussed at the dining table. At lunch, the distraction would be not be like the television set in the modern drawing room, but the attractions were puzzles appearing on the blackboard days after day, without intermission. David Flannery had a clear purpose about the puzzles.They encouraged the children into enjoying abstract reasoning. But do no imagine, Sarah liked all these intensely. She was not a book worm. She liked to ride horses, played hurling and basketball, did boating and liked other adventurous team sports.She carried that adventurous spirit to her mathematics research as well.So to say, Sarah was a philanthropist mathematician and d id not possess any motivated desires about her accomplishments. Mathematical community offered the talented Sarah all co-operations. Experts in the field of cryptology were eager to help her.Initial reactions to her code system, was that it was patentable and she had the possibilities of becoming the millionaire. The exchange of vital information with other mathematicians could have damaged her interest for financial gains. Yet, she shared the information bearing in mind the overall interest of mathematics.She was only 17, when she was a guest speaker at an IBM leadership conference for women. Sarah was also given an invitation to attend the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Stockholm. To write an interesting readable book on mathematics, normally considered a dry and brain-racking subject is no mean achievement. She has set the trend for the budding young scientists, and great scholars in any subject need not be men and women with silver hair.The book provides to all concerned, the parents , the teachers and above all the combustible younger generation, who wish to achieve something in life, but do not know the correct procedures and steps to achieve very valuable information. Sarah provides good solutions to oneââ¬â¢s ambitions and the way to achieve them.This makes the book even greater, than her contribution to cryptography. Bertrand Russell once talked about ââ¬Ëthe silent beautyââ¬â¢ of mathematics. Sarah has demonstrated how the skills of the mathematician and the skills of the fiction & fantasy writer can be clubbed together to create an outstanding contribution to the world of literature. Here is the combination of great human experience mixed with intellectual stuff. It is very easy to record and offer her congratulations for all that she achieved at the young age of 16.But think of the hard work she did, the relentless pressure she was able to endure at such a young age, and all this she did at the same time enjoying and pursuing her hobbies. So, if you have young children, and do not have many ideas as to how to inspire them, give this book to themââ¬âit would be more appropriate if the parents read and discuss the contents of this book for their benefit. The results are bound to be far fetching as for their future. The contents of the book have the lessons in ââ¬Ëmoral counselingââ¬â¢ as well.The application of cryptography has caught up fast with the internet revolution. Many of the big companies are willing to sponsor researches and Sarah is eminently suited to take advantage of this situation. Her achievements have changed her perspective of life. The career opportunities that arrive at her doors are perhaps too much for her to handle. She has traveled to important destinations all over the world, met cryptography figureheads like Ronald Rivest and Whitfield Diffey. But the best is yet to come, and Sarah Flannery knows it well.à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à References Cited:In Code: A Mathematical Journey (Paperback)by Sarah Flannery (Author), David Flannery (Author}Paperback: 352 pagesPublisher: Algonquin Books (December 30, 2002)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1565123778ISBN-13: 978-1565123779PlanetMath: Sarah ââ¬â 19k ââ¬â Cached, Retrieved on January29,2008
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
It is quite interesting to note that, academic research in business ethics was a totally distinct discipline from research in corporate governance, and the application of the word ââ¬Ëethics' was uncommon in available research on corporate governance. The chief responsibility of corporate governance was understood to be safeguarding the benefits of the shareholders. Because of the severance between ownership and management, and the incapability of the independent owners to supervise the performances of those managers, a possibility was available for vital strategic decisions to be taken which would advantageous for the managers to a more larger extent compared to the owners. For example, takeovers not related to the organization's core competence outcome in a bigger corporation, however, it does not result in a more profitable company all the time. Certainly, research has proved that extremely increased extent of isolated diversification normally resulted in lower profits. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) Till the greater part of 1990s, nevertheless, remuneration of executives was normally settled to a greater degree by the magnitude of the company compared to by what profits the company is earning. Therefore, unconnected takeovers will openly and instantly be advantageous for the upper-level managers, however may really be unfavorable in case of the stockholders. In the latter part of 1980s and initial stages of 1990s, when numerous mid and lower ranked employees in America were trimmed down, huge remuneration of the CEOs and the application of other methods which exclusively are advantageous to top level managers started to be talked about in greater detail and also in non-business news publications. Even in this present era, Fortune, Business Week, and The Wall Street Journal report about the yearly surveys of remuneration of CEOs and bonuses. The matters which are normally implicated as the active crusade of the shareholder which started during the 1990s, which culminated in increased appreciation on the part of the investors regarding good corporate governance. In case the citizens might lose confidence in the business due to extensive substandard corporate governance, the outcome could be that the common investor will search for scope other than the stock market. Episodes, in the bygone few years have displayed that an existence has been found about a deep bonding between business ethics and corporate governance. The activities of a company's top executives impact the lives of several people, not merely shareholders. The arena of corporate governance is appreciating that it is stakeholders, not merely shareholders, whose privileges should be safeguarded. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) The position of U. S. corporations was a vital point in time in which a growing amount of scams have impaired their standing as socially accountable entities. (Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) The Enron debacle has impacted not just the assets of its shareholders, but also even the fate of its staff, and also the Houston community in which it was situated. The domino effects of Enron, Arthur Andersen, Tyco, and other scandals at high places are witnessed presently in the stock market, our country and the employment prospects of our fresh graduates passing out of colleges, and maybe the most enduring in its detriment ââ¬â in public skepticism, disbelief, and antipathy with the business community. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) The trust among investors was at its nadir, leading in persistent confusion in the financial markets and a smothering of economic turnaround. Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) Considerable sums of invested monies vanished because of accusations of misappropriation at the corporate level and misuse at the internal level. The accusations of scams and a broad discernment of doubt and indecision were unswervingly hindering the capability of enterprises to fight, create fresh jobs and better our economy. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) Overseas investors were taking a cautious approach prior to feeling certain that their investments are secure with the U. S. companies. (Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) The question remains whether an encouraging result is present of these latest episodes. Efficient corporate governance is something which is based on a fundamental set of ethical principles which steer the actions of the company, regarding the decision to launch a new product or collect new capital. It sets up a scaffold for efficiently evaluating risk and finding out and preventing scam and misuse by the internal employees of the corporate. I believe that some of the encouraging results of these latest episodes are which the common American is very aware in the present era regarding corporate governance -although the word is not used by them. I consider that we will be witnessing that in the coming years, communities will expect ethical behavior from companies, be resolute that corporate governance show the commendable values of the company, and that the society reward the people who are idols of excellence and penalize those who flout their wishes. Moreover, I expect that each one of is more aware that ethics is an extremely compelling component of any business proportion. (Corporate Governance and Ethics) There is a universal consensus by the management, regulators, and investor regarding the urgency of a heightened importance on ethics and a better examination of business governance. Endeavors are currently concentrated on developing organizational structures and a legal structure of confirmation and maintaining equilibrium, which are just, ethical, although typified by economic competence. Understanding the enlarged urgency for modifiable management practices and governance systems to bring back confidence in the securities market, the U. S. Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Through the provisions of the Act, it was made compulsory for setting up of separate corporate Board of Directors, establishment of independent audit and nomination committees, and solving of disagreement of interest among the management and other stakeholders in firms, denotes necessity of separate auditors, and accords more rigorous accounting information disclosure norms. Latest and proposed Securities and Exchange Commission rules are there, national stock exchange listing needs, and across the board fresh acts that passed by both sides of Congress, accented by President Bush, building new structures for the governance of the accounting industry as also enticement to manage deception in the shape of strict punishments for corporate delinquency. Even though these needs are mostly aimed at publicly traded businesses and other government controlled industries, these novel regulations must cause management and Boards of Directors, regardless of public or privately held businesses to heed to the demand for corporate reform earnestly by setting up or once again finding out their code of ethics of the company. Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) The indecisive efficacy of any fresh regulatory code; its possible expenses of implementation, and the restrictions of automatic remedial market mechanisms, call for building of institutions which ease the realization and execution of the law efficiently and in planned fortitude. These types of institutions must even suggest pioneering governance practices and build increasing apparent and easily supervised codes of ethics together with stringent disclosure needs. Center for Corporate Governance and Ethics) Return on equity is very crucial, but at the same time performing business without restoring to short-cuts is also important. Shareholders activism is important, but at the same time eagerness by the shareholders to allow management to perform its duty is also vital. Cautious notice to firm rules and methods is valuable, but concurrently is the capability to be resilient and keen to change long-standing regulations and processes. Permitting a company to gain from the network of acquaintances of staff is vital, however side by side is averting of circumstances wherein people believe that the company's decisions are arrived not on the merits, rather depending on the basis of contacts. (Ethics and Corporate Governance: Is There One Best Way? ) Every profitable enterprise wants to flourish and therefore require skilled senior management. But skilled management never implies that that sole decisive factor is awareness regarding the functioning of the business and the capability to augment earnings, growth and profits. Competent management must even instill a custom of truthfulness and ethical conduct. The Board of Directors and management must fix a right ethical pretext in case of every employee, across the hierarchy of the organization. An efficient code of ethics or code of conduct is something which is espoused by the Board of Directors and routinely evaluated and reinstated by the Board. A Code of Ethics must fix the values of the company like the leadership, responsibility, honesty, and dedication and it is not the end of it. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) In case of beginners, codes of conduct must deal with working conditions, personnel enrichment and training, and disagreements of interest. In order to be genuinely effectual, a code of ethics must be included into employee training across the company and used as an instrument for assisting worker feeling on expected conduct. It must be supervised at every stage to find out if the ideals are really executed across the company. A lot of companies with ethics programs have persisted to sustain hue legal cost for litigation based on unethical conduct of its employees due to gaps in supervising and implementing an ethical code of conduct. The ongoing engagement of every staff as also service by Board members must partly be resolved by every person espousing, enforcing and behaving themselves as per a suitable ethical code of conduct. (Corporate Governance: Codes of Ethics to Guide Corporate Conduct) To conclude, corporate governance guidelines and ethics are developing fast. Investors are calling for increased standards as also other stakeholders. Those companies who do not possess appropriate corporate governance and ethics processes endanger themselves to serious harm to their standing, criminal/ legal action and authoritarian punishments.
Helmut Newton
NEWTON HELMUT because of the threat of the Nazis. This turned out to be a gift to the world because it eventually gave him the freedom to pursue his now legendary career in photography. HELMUT NEWTON was born in Germany and later forced out of the country We see a lot of sexy photos of women in today's magazines, most of them designed only to titillate and excite men, having no artistic message that goes beyond ââ¬Å"I am sexyâ⬠. In the fashion photography world, however, there is one man that has used the female form to delve into human nature even though it is viewed by many as pornographic and inappropriate.Helmut Newton, for decades, pushed the envelope in fashion photography. HELMUT NEWTON Born on October 31, 1920 in Berlin, Helmut Newton grew up in a privileged family. Due to his passion for photography, he stopped going to school and pursued an apprenticeship with Elsie Simon, a top photographer. He only had this job for a while because he had to leave Germany due to Ado lf Hitler's violent treatment of. He went to Singapore and got a job there but it did not last long though. He moved around Singapore for a while until he moved to Australia in 1940.There, he settled and built a new life with his wife, June Brunell. He continued following his passion for photography, eventually getting his work to appear in top fashion magazines around the world. Helmut Newton, 1978 HELMUT NEWTON His Career as a Photographer From his small photo studio that he built in Melbourne, he eventually got the creative momentum that led him to get his photos published in French Vogue in 1961. From there, his name became synonymous to the magazine's look and feel, leading to more work for other magazines such as Nova, Queen, Marie-Claire, Elle, Playboy and different editions of Vogue.His provocative photos of women earned him the titles ââ¬Å"Prince of Pornâ⬠and ââ¬Å"King of Kinkâ⬠. This image of his kind of photography was cemented with the release of his book called ââ¬Å"White Women,â⬠an erotic publication that defines his style and artistic vision. Ornella Muti by Helmut Newton,1986 HELMUT NEWTON Purveyor of Powerful Women Helmut Newton images depicting women in men's clothing and depicting them as powerful figures, breaking all the molds built by society, made heads turned. It also led some people to ask for his head to roll.Even with all the controversy, he continued pushing the envelope in photographing women by taking images of nude bodies in provocative positions. It may have been met by scrutiny and rage in the beginning, but it eventually became the industry standard. His unconventional images of femme fatales made Helmut Newton a legend in fashion photography. Not even his death in 2004 would end his undeniable influence in how photography can exude power in women. Le Smoking by Helmut Newton,1975 HELMUT NEWTON A LegendHelmut Newton did not just limit his photography to nude women and fashion. He also shared with the who le world his early life as a survivor of the Nazi invasion in Germany. He took portraits of Nazi personalities and other people relevant to the very difficult time in world history. Helmut Newton images clearly show the world through the eyes of a nomad who wandered the earth, not giving a care to people's judgments and myopic views. Willy Van Rooy by Helmut Newton, Vogue 1967 HELMUT NEWTON Helmut Newton 31 October 1920 ââ¬â 23 January 2004Newton died on January 23, 2004 due to a car accident in California. It was reported that he lost control of his car because of sudden heart attack. The 83 years old photographer crashed into the wall beyond the Hotel Chateau Marmont's driveway in Hollywood. HELMUT NEWTON Some of his work HELMUT NEWTON Dressed Theyââ¬â¢re coming (naked) Paris,1981 HELMUT NEWTON Miami,1978 Bergstrom over Paris,1976 HELMUT NEWTON Celebrities Naomi Campbell The face 1991 Sigourney Weaver Monica Bellucci Blumarine Spring-Summer 1993 (Ad Campaign) HELMUT NEWTON Thank You
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Varsity blues
Varsity Blues In the movie Varsity Blues,â⬠not everyone can appreciate what a small town Friday night feels like. Living life underneath a microscope. The whole town in the stands. You can practically fell them breathing down your neck criticizing every move, every play the team makes. That's what it felt like for the boys from West Canaan. No matter how tough things get you can always stand up for yourself, friends, and family. Growing up the main characters Mix, Lance, Billy Bob, and Tweeter were a band f brothers and stuck together throughout high school.As expected of many high schools winning a district championship in football is as expected as graduating. That's what these kids from West Canaan lived for. During their senior year, the boys face many hardships along the way. As captain of the team and idol of the town, quarterback Lance, gets a knee injury throwing the whole season In a tail spin. His long time friend Mix is handed the reins to not only the team but for t he town. Nobody believes he can fill the shoes of the star he's replacing. Mix doesn't understand the responsibility he's given and tries to keep his nonchalant attitude.As his season carries on his attitude changes. He goes from being and average student to a cocky typical Sock to soak up his stardom. After his first loss he gets a complete reality check. As the team Is faced with hardships brought on by their head coach Killer. Killer has pushed these boys too hard for too long and they finally pushed back. Killer was the cause of Lance's knee Injury as he pushed anesthetic shots Into his knee and advises It to be done to another Injured teammate. This act causes the boys o stand up to their monster of a coach.They leave Killer a chance to run while he can or they will tell everyone what he has been doing. This act of heroism saves many players from ridicule and even Injury. This movie shows the passion of small town sports and the pressure of living under the magnifying glass In a small town. Football In the state of Texas Is Like no where else In the country. You grow up playing with your best friends and will learn to always suck things out with your real brothers. Varsity blues By humoring 995 quarterback Lance, gets a knee injury throwing the whole season in a tail spin.His As the team is faced with hardships brought on by their head coach Killer. Killer was the cause of Lance's knee injury as he pushed anesthetic shots into his knee and advises it to be done to another injured teammate. This act causes the boys players from ridicule and even injury. This movie shows the passion of small town sports and the pressure of living under the magnifying glass in a small town. Football in the state of Texas is like no where else in the country. You grow up playing with your best friends and will learn to always stick things out with your real brothers.
Writing Assignment - Model in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing Assignment - Model in Action - Essay Example Trinity College of Management was in the process of formulating a business proposal to attract funds from a funding agency. The project was the continuation of a public welfare program.. However the College fell short on the target of the number of beneficiaries in the previous yearââ¬â¢s implementation. Though this short fall was quantitatively less, it was limiting the chance of the college getting continued funds. The ethical decision making process involved in the scenario was the analysis of the alternatives proposed to solve the problem. Three alternates were suggested, of which the first was to have relentless efforts in order to achieve the shortfall in the number of beneficiaries by the time the proposal was submitted. Another possible option was to hype figures in the proposal than the actual achievements and the last alternative was to keep the proposal going with the actual figures. These alternates were evaluated in the ethical decision making process. Though no ethical issue was realized in the first and the third alternatives, the suggestion to hype the figures involved an ethical issue and had to be evaluated for its intensity. The hype in the number of beneficiaries was found to be miniscule in comparison with the total achievement and the total cost involved. The moral cause of the project was not affected hugely due to the shortfall and thus the hype was found not to be a major ethical concern. The individual factors for alternative evaluation include Quantitative factors and Qualitative factors. (Nair & Oommen, 1994).The proposal for the trial to achieve the shortfall failed in this evaluation process as the quantitative factor of operational cost for its implementation could not be afforded. A minor qualitative factor of the inter-organizational relationships was realized in the second option but the success of the project implementation and the resultant improvisation in the relationships with the
Soda Drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Soda Drinks - Essay Example Soda drinks can be considered as refreshment drinks that one takes for the purpose of refreshment, acquisition of balance diet and for the purpose of easing fatigue. However, soda drinks undergoes reaction processes that can be well explained using chemical compositions and compounds. Important stage in the manufacture of carbonated drink process is the essence of high-pressure CO2 gas facilitation, which fills the cavities in the structure of liquids. This high pressure produces a hissing sound when cans as well as bottles carrying soda drinks are opened justifying the availability of carbonation processes. Carbon dioxide presence from the drink usually escapes forms a molecule called the nucleus with an aim of resisting fluids hence forming bubbles. The delicious sensation on the tongue is brought out by the existence of nucleus (Nivaldo 1 2-16). Shaking carbonated beverages accelerates the process of bubbles formation of the soft drink. However, we have got several factors that in fluences the process of carbon dioxide loss in water. This includes the surrounding temperature. When the temperature is low, the carbonation process is more effective and vice versa hence the gas is less dissolved under high temperature level (Maniatis 12-15).However, it is found that soft drinks are not compounds in nature but they are mixtures of various substances hence they do not have definite compound structure as well as definite composition structure. Substances such as carbon dioxide exhibits kinetic energy proportional to the temperature especially when in Free State just in air. Common ingredients in a soft drink include but are not partial to Water (H2O), Sucrose (C12H22O11), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (H2CO3), phosphoric acid (H3PO4), aspartame (C14H18N2O5), and artificial flavoring, which itself would be a list of several dozen and different chemicals as well. Meanwhile, during the processing of soft drinks reactions, we encounter exothermic reaction, which p roduces energy for stimulating and speeding up of carbon dioxide reactions. The exothermic chemical composition is represented as follows; C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6H2O + 6CO2. This leads to a respiration chemical formula of C6 H12 O6 + 6 H20 + 6 CO2 + Energy to produce soda drinks reaction norm (Nivaldo 23-39). By lowering the kinetic energy level and through acquisition of low temperature, the carbon dioxide gets to dissolves in water at a stable state. If the temperature is raised, the carbon dioxide usually tend to fall off and that is the main reason as to why it is recommended to take carbonated beverages during cold condition or at cold state. Soda drink exhibits sour taste, which is generated by the existence of carbon dioxide giving it a pH value of around 3.2 to 3.7. Being carbonated makes the soda drinks becomes free from bacterial contamination. Carbon dioxide plays a vital role in provision of specific flavor, which functions as an antibacterial preservative adhesive with natu ral beverage dissolvent (Maniatis 21-26) The content of carbon dioxide found in soft drinks majorly depends on the type of the drink availed on the market. Those beverages characterized by the fruit flavors, they contains high level of sugar with low carbon dioxide. The gylceryl abietate also known as brominated vegetable oil majorly is found in orange soft drinks. These help keep fatty flavors suspended in the liquid (density balancers and
Friday, September 27, 2019
Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Managment - Essay Example The organization was founded to exploit the gap between fast food restaurants and full table service restaurants. The organization does not provide full table services but offers better services compared to fast food establishments. 2. How rapid was the growth of your organization, and what problems did it encounter while it grew? Describe the passage through the stages outlined in Greinerââ¬â¢s model. How did managers deal with crisis it encountered as it grew? The growth of the Chipotle shows that the organization established in 1993 has rapidly grown to be among the most profitable organizations in the global market. The revenue earned by the organization has almost grown by three times since 2006. The problem Chipotle has experienced during its growth stage has been competition from other organizations in the restaurant business. Greinerââ¬â¢s model evaluates growth of the organization through a series of five stages. The first stage is growth through creativity where the organization is unique. The second stage is growth though direction where the organization grows by focusing on its products, then there is growth through delegation. The forth stage is growth trough coordination and the last stage is growth through collaboration as the organization expands its operations. The managers dealt with the problem of competition by increasing awareness by advertising the organization (Jones & Gareth 315). The growth stage that Chipotle is currently experiencing can be described as the growth through delegation stage. The organization has growth over a relatively short time increasing the number of outlets. The external problems facing the organization include competition from other players in the food industry and the changes in the economy which has reduced the overall sales. Internal problems include maintaining consistency over all the outlets to maintain the culture of the organization.
A Womans World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A Womans World - Essay Example Sarah Moore Grimke sets the mood of her letter by talking about the set or "appropriate sphere" as she terms it, for women to lack intellectual inclinations and invite discussions about her character by not dressing, eating, socializing in a certain way or even reading novels that have been shunned by the press or people in general. This "appropriate sphere" has come to mean many things to many people where feminist policies and their formulation is concerned. Further, if she is to be believed, this period of time boasted of a distinct class consisting of a sizable amount of people, where owing to a certain amount of awareness and achievement of academic qualifications, women believe that arranged marriages are not the end all and be all. Also, this class of people held the belief that catering to the husband's every whim and fancy is not the only chore in life. While these ideals struck many as "absurd", in Grimke's own words, majority of the women were "trained" to carry out wifely duties and not bother about choosing a husband of their own liking. In this regard, it was made clear that a woman may never have a choice in anything in her life. Was this fair According to Grimke - not at all. In her letter, Grimke uses an underscore of sarcasm to show the absurdity of the situation where men enjoyed more freedom than women merely due physical strength and other attributes. Unfair as it was, this attitude shaped the belief that women are a machine that produces babies besides cooking and cleaning - a machine that does not and should not, require any kind of education or intellectual stimulation, let alone having a say in how her home must be run. This thought process was mainly an overthrow from the common notion that men are more superior. This was apparent in the fact that even if a woman did the heavy work that generally only a man does, she is not given the same pay or compensation as a man. In this way, there was always major discrimination regarding the areas of work that a woman could enter into - if at all she was allowed to embark on making a career for herself. Further, there was consensus to slavery especially among women, who have always been regarded among min orities. This led Grimke to end her letter by saying that rendering dignity alone will lead a woman to truly serve and respect her husband besides giving her a real objective and sense of duty in life. Therefore, in her letter, Grimke mirrored the trends of her time by going ahead of the same to show her concern for this plight. TOPIC 2: The Spiritual Role of Women (550 words - excluding title) No woman is complete unless she reaches into her soul to show the world her strength and to use this very ocean of strength to build a family and keep a happy home. In the Appeal to the Christian Women of the South - Heath Anthology of American Literature, Angelina Grimke starts her letter by taking a stance - one that revolves around genuine interest in the welfare of women belonging to the Christian sympathy, as she refers to it. Talking to the women from the same religious denomination as that of the Gospel fellowship, Angelina wishes to
Health Care System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health Care System - Essay Example Even as the range of benefits has broadened, the program still contains what some see as gaps and others regard as areas in which private and state programs need to be strengthened. Either way, most people agree that long-term care represents a contingency for which most are psychologically and financially unprepared. Some suggest that the list of Medicare benefits should be expanded to include payments for nursing homes and other long-term care services. Social Security consisted of two sets of rules. One set governed the payroll taxes, and the other set described the benefits to which workers were entitled. Both the level of taxes and the amount and types of benefits changed over the years. In 1965, legislators raised the tax level and established a major new type of benefit. By adding hospital insurance to the array of Social Security benefits, they launched Medicare. In addition to the original retirement benefits for workers over 65, the new benefits included payments to the wives and children of retired workers and to the widows and children of workers who died before age 65. After 1939, therefore, Social Security included benefits to a worker's survivors (Ruskinm 2009). The second milestone occurred in 1950 when Congress decided to raise the tax rate, and, updating benefit levels for price changes in the 1940s, to increase substantially the level of payments to retired workers and the survivors of workers. Social Security--tha t is, the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program--is by far the largest American social insurance program, with the greatest impact on individuals and families. In 1992, for example, 132 million American workers and their employers paid Social Security taxes and about 41 million Americans received Social Security benefits each month (Peltz, 2008). As living standards improved, more Americans expected to retire, and retirement became widely perceived as a period of earned leisure. State welfare programs for the elderly provided real competition to the Social Security program in the 1930s and 1940s but declined as a threat to Social Security in the 1950s. Medical care became increasingly desirable as a good to consume in the 1940s and 1950s, and the supply of private health insurance increased exponentially in these decades (Ruskinm 2009). Modern Health Care System Medicare and Medicaid programs are based on early insurance programs and plans improved and redesigned by the government. Even so, many indirect infusions of general revenues are made into the program, including the revenue produced from treating a portion of Social Security benefits as taxable income. The second proposal would put Social Security financing on a pay-as-you-go basis. In this approach, Congress collects, through payroll taxes or some other means, only the amount of money necessary to sustain the program on a current basis. This approach, however, has the benefit of keeping taxes low, avoiding the difficult problem of how to preserve the supposed surpluses in the program (Staff 2009). This approach has the disadvantage of leaving the future to take care of itself, arguably bequeathing large burdens to future generations (Staff 2009). The government does not permit this activity to occur in
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Radiation Experiments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Radiation Experiments - Essay Example UV rays are also beneficial to humans; these include the UV watermark that helps in authentication of credit cards. Forensic investigation when a crime occurs, in fluorescent lamps where it ionizes the phosphorescent coating inside the tubes which gives off white light. In astronomy where it is used to make observation from space. UV rays are also used to follow a blood trail for a wounded animal. Other uses include sanitary compliance, spectrophotometer, purification of the air, photochemotherapy, chemical markers, phototherapy, photolithography, sterilization among other uses. (NASA) Investigation of the amount of UV rays that human being are exposed to is important. This information can help in quantifying the effects caused by these rays. UV also affects materials and paint. These Experiments helps determine the effects of these rays on materials with the objective of reducing them or shielding materials and human beings from them (Callister, 757). From the graphical representation above, the incandescent lamp produces both the UVA and UVB rays. The incandescent lamp produces more of the UVA rays than UVB rays. It is also evident that after switching ON the lamp, the production of UVA is high and slowly fades with time. For the UVB rays, the intensity is relatively constant for the 2 minute period. From the scientific knowledge about the UVA and UVB, UVA is stronger and has a
Body defense mechanisms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Body defense mechanisms - Essay Example Innate immune system does not have any specialized cells but uses other cells to identify threats like bacteria, react to infections, and provide means of clearing the infections from the body. The system however switches on other immune systems in an antigen presentation method. This function is carried out by special white blood cells. Innate body mechanism forms a physical and chemical barrier that protects the body (Janeway, Travers, Walport, & Shlomchik, 2001). In contrast, adaptive immune system is found in vertebrates only and comprises of highly specialized cells. Also known as the acquired immune system, the system prevents growth of pathogens through the use of systemic cells. Adaptive immune system acts as a memory system, reacting to a similar infection when incited. Adaptive system is acquired through various ways like immunization. As opposed to innate system whose reaction is in the germline, adaptive system is developed throughout life through reactions to specific infections that create pathogen-specific receptors. The system acquires it name; adaptive immune system, through its ability to enable the body to react to future similar infections. Adaptive immune system is enabled by genetic mutation which occurs in all cells of the body giving it more awareness and reactionary strength to fight infections (Janeway, Travers, Walport, & Shlomchik, 2001). Primary innate body defense mechanism include; inflammation, mucous clearance, physical and chemical barriers. Inflammation involves cutting blood supply to the infected area, walling off the pathogens, and forming fibrous tissue of the area among others. Mucous clearance provides coverage of the epithelial layer of the trachea. Physical barriers like the skins functions like barriers when they are not infected. When the skin is intact, it provides one of the best barriers to infections. Nose hairs filter out particles or any other substances that the body
The Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
The Internet - Essay Example The World Wide Web is ccessible vi the Internet, s re mny other services including e-mil, file shring, nd others described below. Virtully ll of the services nd products relted to the Internet were originlly defined to stisfy demnds emnting from the cdemic nd reserch world. We re only just entering into the er where the min driving force for new developments is coming from the commercil sector. The originl users of the Internet were drwn from nrrow segment of the populce. They hve recently been joined by the new genertion of users with wider rnge of bckgrounds thn cdemi nd reserch. The club-like nture of the Internet is fst disppering s the ese nd cost of ccess mkes it ccessible to much greter udience. (John, 2001) The two Internet pplictions tht re most likely, in the short term, to hve n impct on the non-IT mnger re e-mil nd the world wide web (WWW). E-mil provides very simple nd effective wy of sending both simple text messges nd computer files (for exmple spredsheets nd word processed documents) to one or number of recipients. The WWW enbles individuls nd orgnistions to provide globl udience with full gmut of multimedi informtion tht cn be ccessed esily. ... The WWW enbles individuls nd orgnistions to provide globl udience with full gmut of multimedi informtion tht cn be ccessed esily. The benefits of ll of these Internet services re vilble t locl telecommunictions chrge rtes. The Internet's potentil to chnge the wy we conduct business is only just beginning to be understood. lredy it is cler tht mngers must orientte their thinking to dpt to the opportunities (nd threts) tht re being creted. 3. Security on the Internet Internet security, or more ccurtely the lck of it, is one of the topics most likely to generte concerned comment from the press. The volume of medi coverge given to computer hckers nd the potentil dmge they cn cuse, tends to be out of proportion to the relity of the sitution. This not to suggest tht the issue of security is not extremely importnt. When breches occur they cn cuse finncil loss nd severe embrrssment. The British Lbour Prty, currently forming the UK government, ws forced to close its WWW site temporrily becuse of mlicious tmpering with the contents. (Hrtmn, ckermnn, 2005) n inventive mind hd chnged both the text nd grphics with the im of cusing severe embrrssment. There hve lso been mny instnces where finncil institutions hve suffered finncil loss due to their security being compromised, lthough losses re very smll when compred to other sources of frud. 4. dvntges of the Internet The Internet hs the potentil to deliver unique set of business benefits over nd bove existing IT technologies. There re number of resons for this: 1. It is simple to use compred to most of the ppliction softwre tht we normlly encounter in the business environment. This ese of use spns the different types of computer nd operting system
Economics for Business and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Economics for Business and Management - Essay Example A situation in which marginal cost is higher than marginal costs implies that further improvements can be for society and, thus, it is inefficient for society to prolong its situation at that level. On the other hand, when marginal costs are higher than marginal revenue, it means that there are wastages and society would do better if lowers output such that marginal costs are reduced to be just equal to marginal revenues. This is the market equilibrium and market equilibrium is interpreted as ââ¬Å"efficientâ⬠because marginal costs are just equal to marginal returns. Usually, the people who hold on to the view are economists, businesspersons, and pragmatic policy makers. However, economists who take this position qualify that for market to fulfil its role as efficient allocator of resources, certain conditions apply. For example, some of the conditions necessary conditions are believed to be as follow: 1. The good or service which the market will allocate are private goods or service. Private goods are goods in which consumption is rival and excludable in consumption. Rival means consuming the good or service will deprive others of the same good. Excludable means it will not be feasible, costly, nor impractical from depriving others of the good. 2. There are no externalities involved in consuming or using the good or service. Externalities are third party effects on the good. For example, goods that pollute are assumed to have negative externalities. In contrast, health services are believe to have positive externalities because improvements in health benefits not only those who have purchased the good that enhances health but also third parties. In a typical demand-supply curve, the demand curve represents societyââ¬â¢s valuation for the good in terms of marginal utilities while the supply curve represents that part of the marginal cost-curve above the
Architecural Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Architecural Theory - Essay Example One is the external world, while the other is the hypothetical or internal world of our thoughts, imaginings, and interpretations, the world of psychology. The internal world houses our conceptions of the external, molded by notions handed down or across generations persuading or convincing; it is the realm of our rehearsals, associations, ideals, expectations, and hopes for it. This paper attempts to analyze a single architectural theory. Within the discipline of architecture, theory is a disclosure that describes the practice and production of architecture and identifies challenges to it. Theory overlaps with but differs from architectural history, which is descriptive of past work, and from criticism, a narrow activity of judgment and interpretation of specific existing works relative to the criticââ¬â¢s or architectââ¬â¢s stated standards (Johnson 9). Theory is different from these activities because it poses substitute remedies grounded on observations of the existing cond ition of the discipline, or presents new thought paradigms for approaching the issues (Ots and Alfano 17). It is tentative, anticipatory, and catalytic character makes theoretical activity different from history and criticism. Theory operates on different levels of abstraction, evaluating the architectural profession, its intentions, and its cultural relevance at large. Theory deals with architectureââ¬â¢s aspirations as well as its accomplishments (Johnson 11). Theory can be characterized by several attitudes towards the preservation of its subject matter: for the most part of it is prescriptive, proscriptive, affirmative, or critical. All of these differ from a natural, descriptive position. Prescriptive theory offers new or revived solutions for specific problems (Bertens 22). This theory functions by establishing new norms for practice. It, thus, promotes positive standards and sometimes even a design method. This type can be critical or affirmative of the status quo. The ton e in either instance is often polemical. Almost similar to the prescriptive theory is the proscriptive theory. However, it differs in the sense that the standards state what is to be avoided in the design. Good architecture or urbanism in proscriptive terms is defined by the absence of negative attitudes. Functional zoning is an example of proscriptive theory (Ballantyne 15). Broader than descriptive and prescriptive writing, critical theory evaluates the built world and its relationships to the society it serves. This kind of polemical writing often has an expressed political or ethical orientation and intends to stimulate change. Among many possible orientations, critical theory can be ideologically based in Marxism or feminism (Hays 36). A typical example of critical theory is an architect and theorist Kenneth Framptonââ¬â¢s critical regionalism, which proposes resistance to the homogenization of the visual environment through the particularities of mediated, local building tr aditions. Critical theory is speculative, questioning, and sometimes utopian (White 24). Throughout history, one can identify recurring architectural themes that demand resolution, both conceptually and physically. Physical questions are resolved tectonically, while conceptual or intellectual questions are problematized in the manner of philosophy (Ots and Alfano 31). Perennial theoretical questions include the origins and limits of architecture, the relationship of architecture to
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à à à à à In Websterââ¬â¢s Dictionary, a legend is characterized as an individual noted for fearless acts or respectability of direc...